About Jeff

Jeff Marshall is seeking the nomination to be the candidate for the Progressive Conservative Party in Perth Wellington.

Jeff was born and raised on a farm in the former Blanshard Township. He learned the values of hard work, family and community from his parents Gord and Nancy. From a young age Jeff helped out on the farm, picking stones, baling hay, feeding the livestock and shoveling out the barn. Around the time Jeff started high school the family moved off the farm to house just outside of St. Marys. He started his first off farm job working at Staffen’s Food Market.

Jeff became interested in politics while in high school and helped out in his first campaign at the age of 17 in Dr. Harry Brightwell’s campaign during the 1988 Brian Mulroney campaign. Jeff earned his degree from the University of Western Ontario, where he became even more involved in politics. Jeff was involved with the PC campus club as well as the provincial PC youth and campus organizations. During that time Jeff was also involved in leadership campaigns, nomination campaigns and provincial and federal election campaigns.

After graduating university Jeff moved to Saskatchewan to work in the agricultural industry starting with John Deere Canada, before moving Alfa Laval Agri. After a few years out, west politics beckoned and he returned to Ontario to work at Queens Park for the Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister Agriculture. Jeff spent the next several years working in politics. He worked both in government and for the provincial party. Jeff served the party as an organizer working on various by-elections and campaigns.

In 2003 Jeff married his wife Rita and following the birth of their son PJ in 2004, they returned to Perth County moving to Mitchell. He and Rita have had 3 more children since coming home. The four children range in age from 17 to 5. Since moving back Jeff has spent most of his time working for his own small consulting business. Jeff also started an agri-tech business with his partner Don Corby and currently works for the Nuclear Waste Management Organization.

Jeff has served as a Municipal Councillor for the Municipality of West Perth, getting elected in 2018. Since his election Jeff has fought to keep local taxes down while ensuring the municipality has the infrastructure needed to continue growing.

As chair of the Forestry, Trails and Wetlands committee, he led the committee in developing a new trail to finish the loop in the river trail in Mitchell, fundraised, to provided incentives to landowners to plant trees on their land and provided funding and a location to plant the largest pollinator garden in South Western Ontario.

As Chair of the Culture and Heritage Committee I worked with my colleague Councillor Cheri Bell to bring a Music in Park program to Mitchell’s Lions Park, and I have worked with the community around Motherwell to ensure that all remnants of the village would not be lost to the Upper Thames Conservation Authority. From that effort our committee have begun to develop a lost villages program to ensure that we will remember those communities that were apart of West Perth.

Jeff has also volunteered for local minor sports organization and serves on his churches Board of Trustees.

Jeff has the experience necessary to win the riding the leadership to represent the people of Perth Wellington at Queens Park while promoting the small-town values that we share.

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